【人気ダウンロード!】 worst one piece characters 188703-Worst one piece characters

This is a really tough question Not because there are too many bad characters, but because there are very few bad characters In One Piece, every character exists for a reason (mostly) It is very easy to hate villains like Doflamingo and Crocodile, or intentionally irritating characters like TrebolOne Piece Nami's 10 Worst Character Traits, Ranked Nami, she's one of the series flagship characters, but that doesn't mean everything about her is great Here are her worst character traits, ranked By Anthony Mazzuca PublishedStock Shōnen Rival All of the Worst Generation, except Killer and Zoro, are rivals to Luffy since they all aim to become the new Pirate King, but Kid is the only one to fit this character archetype Aside from being the most prominent Supernova besides Trafalgar Law, Eustass Kid is insane, violent, and often butts heads with Luffy 5 Reasons One Piece Is Horrible Blerds Online Worst one piece characters